We want you to love the clothing that you receive as much as we make. If your order is not satisfactory for whatever reason, we have a return period of 30 days in which you can create a return. The instructions for returning can be found at the end of this article.

30-day return policy

  • We have a return period of 30 days for all items on our site. This return period starts as soon as your package has been delivered to you.
  • In the unlikely case that you have received a wrong article, miss an item from your order, or an item is damaged in any way, send an e-mail to us Support team! (If you do not inform our support team of this before shipment, your article will be subject to our return policy, including any costs that can be associated with a refused return shipment.)

Return standards and conditions

  • We are happy to accept return shipments for both reimbursements and exchange!
  • If you cannot be completed because of non -available stock, a refund will be made.
  • By adding return items to your return shipment, you confirm that you (1) have received the selected return items and (2) plan to return the selected items.

  • Articles must be unwashed and not have been in a dryer.

  • Articles covered with animal hair are refused.

  • Articles covered with glitter, powder or other material are refused.

  • Articles with strong scents or scents such as smoke, cologne, detergent, perfumed sprays, body odor, etc., are not accepted. Articles with markings or other stains (such as deodorant) are not accepted.

  • Our articles contain Mygainz labels. Make sure these tickets are still stuck, otherwise your return shipment will be refused.

  • Any return shipments that are delivered outside 30 days after the delivery date of your order can be refused. Contact our support team if you are unexpectedly delayed. If you are refused, we will inform you of this by e-mail. Your order will then be sent to you again within 4-7 business days.

  • For discount promotions where a minimum number of items is required for a discount, the discount is recalculated if the number of retained items retained after return is under the required quantity.

    If you have to start a return shipment, click on one of the links below. If you need extra help, take Contact With us and we will be happy to help you further!

    Do you want to exchange an article free of charge? Then click here.

    Do you want to return an item? Then click here.